Cooking Tips

Cooking Tips by Sinomedica - Chicken, zucchini and cardamom

Written by Admin | 01-Jan-1970


  • Chicken breast
  • Zucchini
  • Black peppercorns (to taste)
  • Cardamom seeds (to taste)
  • Fleur de sel
  • Olive oil
  • Bay leaf
  • Whole garlic clove


Heat a saucepan of water, add salt, bay leaf and garlic and let it boil 5 minutes.

Cut the breast into 4 lengthwise and drop it into the water a few minutes. Drain it and lay it on a kitchen sheet. Roughly shred it and place it in a bowl.

Wash, dry and cut the zucchini small.

Place the peppercorns and cardamom idi seeds (you must remove their green skin) in a mortar and crush them a little.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, when hot add the spices and wait a few moments to smell their aroma.

Toss in the zucchini, stir, and let it cook a few minutes.

Pour the zucchini together with the chicken, mix well and serve hot, at room temperature or cold.