Management of Back Pain with Acupuncture
Back pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide, significantly ...
The Benefits of Acupuncture for the Immune System
Acupuncture not only relieves chronic pain and anxiety, but recent studies confirm that ...
Summer break: How to manage anxiety and stress upon return
Returning to work or back to school after a summer vacation can be a source of anxiety ...
Beat the holiday blues with acupuncture
The benefits of acupuncture to cure insomnia
What should I do to maintain a healthy sleep hygiene and when do I need help? Healthy ...
Burnout: a cost to health, and more...
What is the real cost of burnout ? Burnout causes annual costs of about 2.4 billion in ...
How Acupuncture can protect against Coronavirus
Acupuncture reduces stress and anxiety and stimulates the immune system
Protecting against Covid-19 by stimulating the immune system
Can acupuncture boost the immune system to protect against Covid-19?